Strike, Portugal, Portuguese air traffic controllers strike 2018, airport strike effecting flights, including SATA, SATA Azores, TAP, Portugalia.
Lisbon International, Faro Airport
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February 2018 Ryanair Portugal threaten strike action near Easter follow along Easy Travel Report
May 2017 It is not Portuguese air traffic controllers striking its airport security.
Last year 2016 strike actions
PORTUGUESE AIRPORT STRIKES STARTING CHRISTMAS EVE 2016 SEE EASY TRAVEL REPORT Get to your airport early, call your airline and Portuguese airports have a notice up asking you not to bring hand luggage to speed up going through customs.
Tomorrow 27 October 2016 Portuguese airport security strike. Get to airport four hours prior for your flight. Expect delays.
Portuguese Air Traffic Control Strike
Update:-June 30. 2016 Portuguese air traffic control strike cancelled.
Strike will include air traffic controllers and airport personnel.
Strikes are planned, your flight will be delayed, cancelled or brought forward.
Stay in close contact with your airline.
Strikes will only last two hours, enough to cause major disruption in the aviation network.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Friday July 8
Friday July 15
Friday July 22
Friday July 29, 2016 More information closer to dates. We will update as news comes in.
National airlines, TAP, SATA, SATA Air Azores and Portugalia Airlines likely to take the brunt of any strike actions.
Portugal Baggage Handlers Strike
July 1, 2016 Last night TAP Airlines reported strike has been cancelled. Great news.
June 9, 2016 Portuguese baggage handlers will strike July, 1, 2 and 3 nationwide.
Union involved SITAVA, handling companies to be involved Groundforce, Portway, out sourced workers and temps. 5,000 workers in this sector 1,300 in SITAVA union.
You know the drill, stay in touch with your airline, just take carryon. All airport’s in Portugal will be hit. TAP Portugal has a notice up
We haven't needed to update this page in a long time, guess that's a good sign!
Friday, December 12, 2014 length?
Sunday, December 14, 2014
National Union of Civil Aviation Flight Personnel (SNPVAC) two sets of strikes planned:-
Thursday 30, October 2014
Saturday 1, November 2014
Sunday 30, November, 2014
Old industrial actions
26 July 2014 This time it is TAP pilot's not Portuguese air traffic controllers. TAP Airline pilots will strike Saturday, 9 August 2014. Strike will last 24 hours. Call them. Follow along with us TAP Airline Strike page
Old labor strikes for 2014
SATA Azores Strike
June 8, 2014 SATA Air Azores workers will strike from Wednesday 18 - 28 June Saturday. Call them asap. Your connection with SATA International to the Azores is in jeopardy. Follow along with us SATA Strike
29 January 2014 ANA send you their regrets!
17 January 2014. Portuguese air traffic controllers will join other European air traffic controllers in a Pan European air strike. Follow along with us on our front page. Here are the Portuguese times so far.
Portuguese air traffic controllers will strike Wednesday, 29th January 7 - 9am and 2-4pm.
You know this will effect your TAP or SATA flight. Minimal service to islands. Be the first to change your flight!
Old industrial actions for 2013
Portuguese Baggage Handlers Strike
August 22, 2013 Portuguese baggage handlers strike. Groundforce back at it again with strike action.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Saturday, August 31, 2013
and Sunday, September, 2013
Old Industrial Actions
Update:-Friday, June 28 Today we learned Lisbon airport is still in a state of confusion. TAP flights were still not back to normal in the afternoon. Flights leaving three hours late. Here is a link for Faro departure board and Lisbon departure board. Perhaps a go slow is in effect. Still looks like flights are slowly getting back to normal in
Update:-June 26, Santa Maria airport and Porto will not be effected by any industrial actions.
June 26 Airlines still held hostage, no information out yet today by air traffic controllers. ANA Aeroportos de Portugal (How convenient we can't get link to work, journalists will strike tomorrow)
June 25 As you know a general strike has been organized for this Thursday, June 27, 2013. Portuguese air traffic control has stated they will strike between Wednesday, June 26, 23:00 UTC and Thursday 23:00 UTC. All Portuguese airports will be effected. More news to come out for the islands. We do know some British Airways flights have been cancelled. We will be updating. Portuguese ATC to announce more information June 26, tomorrow.
2013 Industrial Actions
June 10, 2013 This week Portuguese air traffic controllers are likely to cause flight delays this week. In conjunction with French air traffic controllers. Keep in close contact with your airline. Strike likely to go on till Thursday.
Portugues air traffic controllers are not striking just TAP Portugal, Portugalia, SATA Açores Azores and SATA International. Follow along with us on our TAP strike page we will be up dating.
Last years industrial actions
28 June 2012 Great news today, Portuguese air traffic controllers and airport workers have cancelled strike. Late news for some, as TAP for example had cancelled over a 100 flights. Negotiations will take place instead. If flying TAP or SATA Airlines both company pilots have set strike dates for later in the month.
Portugal and Madeira
Portuguese air traffic control strike and other Portuguese airport workers will strike
29 June - 3 July.
Friday 29 June 06:00 to 12:00 and from 18:00 to 22:00
Saturday 30 June 06:00 to 12:00 and from 18:00 to 22:00
Sunday 1 July 06:00 to 12:00 and 17:00 to 21:00.
Monday 2 July 06:00 to 12:00 and 17:00 to 21:00.
Tuesday 3 July 06:00 to 12:00 and from 18:00 to 22:00
All Portuguese airport workers will be on strike 2 July in the morning only. If you are flying in/out Portugal on the 2 July, change your flight now at your convenience and not someone elses.
29 and 30 June, 3 July (for the three days between 05:00 and 11:00 and between 17:00 to 21:00),
July 1 and 2 July (from 05:00 to 11:00 and 16:00 to 22:00).
Old Stuff
Back again
Portuguese air traffic controllers strike
Expect flight delays or even cancellations as high as 200 or so flights will be effected daily. (May 10 UK border strike)
11, 17, 18, 24 and May 25
2 hours per shift from 07:00 to 09: 00, from 2-4 PM and from 9-11PM of the continent and Madeira).
Friday 18 May Workers Union Aviation and Airports (SITAVA) Portuguese airport strike, ANA Group,
ANAM-Madeira Airport, The Portway, The TAP Group,
(but not Groundforce workers) Starts 17 May 8:30pm. You figure it out here's the article from DN
Sata International strike threat and
5 April 2012 Lisbon Airport Portuguese air traffic controllers will strike from
7 AM - 9 AM Lisbon.
12,(EasyJet gets hit hard, 12 flights cancelled) 13, 19, 20, and 26 April.
Expect some flight delays or even cancellations. Madeira ATC strike 6-8AM.
Portuguese general strike planned for Thursday, 23 March 2012. Airports flights will be delayed. Call your airline.
7 February announced today, good news the air traffic control strike has been cancelled!
Portuguese air traffic controllers strike. Sporadic two hour strike though out the day.
Wednesday 8 February 2012
Sunday 12 February 2012
So last year
Another update:-22 November, 2011
Airports will be on strike from 2100 UTC on 23rd Nov until 0400 UTC on 25th Nov 2011 Different for Air traffic controllers
Different for Air traffic controllers
Lisbon Air Traffic Controller personnel will strike from 2200 UTC on 23rd Nov until 2200 UTC on 24th Nov 2011
Santa Maria Airport (Azores)
Azores termnal from 2300 UTC on 23rd Nov until 2300 UTC on
24th Nov 2011.
Update:-21 November, 2011 more times released.
Lisbon airport strike starts Wednesday, 23 November at 10pm local time to 10pm following night.
Santa Maria Airport (Azores) 11pm Wednesday, 23 November to 11pm 24 November.
Portuguese airports will strike from 9pm 23 November to 4am
25 November.
Announced today 8 November 2011 Portuguese air traffic controllers have stated they will join in the nationwide general strike, Thursday, 24 November 2011. As of yet no date or time frame has been announced.
If strike does take place all air space in Portugal will be closed.
Naturally all Portuguese airports will be closed Porto, Madeira, Faro, Bragança and Lisbon Portela.
Your flight to/from Portugal will be cancelled, call your airline.
National Union of Civil Aviation Flight Personnel (SNPVAC) which serves these Portuguese airlines will be joining in the strike, again no time frame announced.
TAP Portugal
Portugalia Airlines
SATA Air Açores
ETR is looking for a reliable established independent high street travel agent to link up with who knows Portugal like the back of your hand. In return we will promote you and your company.
Do you have some useful information others can use?
In your in-box every Monday morning. Brief synopsis of the world's travel industrial disputes. We appeal to travel agents, unions, lawyers, security men, insurance men, business and pleasure travelers, yes, we even have a politician.

Portuguese Air Traffic Controllers Strike