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Demonstrations planned May 24, 2016
Trains will not be affected.
News organizations advising avoid capital by car! All major arteries and tunnels expected to be blocked. 50,000 demonstrators expected. Protest starts 8:30 am at North Station and 11:30 at South Station, all day event
Belgium Railway strike, SNBC, Monday 18 October. Will start the night before, 10pm. Ends Monday night 10pm. Expect delays the Tuesday am. Also Monday, October 11 freight traffic will be blocked. This may effect train passengers. No trains will run so expect traffic jams a mile long. Union calling for the strike is Centrale Générale des Services Publics CGSP, the largest and most powerful union of SNBC. No trains win Wallonia and Brussels. Flanders a handful of trains will run. Expect Eurostar to Paris will run fine (see front page for French nationwide strike) From Lille to Brussels buses will pick up the slack. Thayles services all cancelled.
Old stuff
Feb. 16 2010, Belgium railways on strike after devastating head on train cash yesterday. Eurostar and Thayls, not running.
10/28/09 NMBS, National Railway System of Belgium. Belgium railway strike,nationwide strike will effect travel to Bruxelles, Flanders, Antwerp, Brugge, Ghent,10pm on Wednesday 4 November and will last until 10pm on Thursday 5 November. All but a few are likely to run on the Friday. No rail services operating between Lille in France and Brussels Midi station. Lille is served by trains on the London-Brussels route. ICE trains from Brussels to destinations in France, Holland and Germany are also cancelled. Exchange ticket for another day or get a refund.
This time two unions involved. Belgian Railways’ freight operation B-Cargo is to layoff 900 jobs. Half of these workers will be found jobs else where within Belgian Railways. The unions have threatened to take strike action every Thursday “if management continues with its plans to dismantle B-Cargo.”
Are you on Eurostar? If so better check with them.Will the Brussels Metro be working?
5/27/09 Belgium train strike, rail strike, by train controllers union at Infrabel Belgian railway lines. Fifty trains canceled in Namur, Liege, Charleroi, Mons, Tournai and Flanders.
PS. BELGIUM: In Brussels, it is legal to throw Brussels sprouts at tourists.
We need local source!
A Belgian rail strike will halt all services on the high-speed Thalys train network between Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Germany, as well as Eurostar links to London. Belgium railway strike, Brussels, Flanders, Brussels National Airport (BRU), Antwerpen-Central Railway Station in Antwerp, B-Cargo strike. ICE (Inter-City Express) TGV, trains from Brussels to destinations in France, Holland and Germany are also cancelled. Belgium does not have a law where essential services must run such as Italy and France have. Expect to be really put out by a Belgian railway strike. Belgium network carries 500, 000 passengers daily.
See who else is on strike today?
Socialist union CSPF are the majority of union workers at SNCB
Flemish, De Lijn, Belgium bus company
Last SNBC the tiny hamlet of Kleinbettingen invaded with commuters going to Luxembourg. From Kleinbettingen commuters took a train to Luxembourg city.